
Jamaica's legal ganja industry one step closer

Another hurdle has been cleared for the start of  Jamaica's legal ganja industry. This comes a week after a new Board of  the Cannabis Licensing Authority was appointed.

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) says it has signed off  on regulations that will result in the development of  a legal ganja industry in Jamaica. That is legal for medicinal, therapeutic and scientific purposes.

The regulations, as set out, will put the CLA in a position to start issuing licenses in the next few weeks for those interested in participating in the ganja industry. But before it reaches that stage, a few more things are to be done.

The regulations that were signed off  on must now go to the Office of the Chief  Parliamentary Counsel where the document will be finalised for the signature of  the Chairman of  the CLA as well as the Minister of  Justice, ahead of  it being submitted for gazetting and entry into law. 

The CLA will, in the interim, be convening town hall meetings in several parishes during the last two weeks of  this month to discuss the regulations.

The CLA was created by the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015. It has powers to make and oversee the implementation of regulations for licences, permits and other authorisation for the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and transportation of hemp, as well as ganja, for medicinal, scientific and therapeutic purposes. 

The regulations that were signed off  on do not deal with the hemp industry, which will be discussed in the future.


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