
Agriculture Ministry activates its Disaster Risk Management Programme

The Ministry of Agriculture has announced emergency measures for the farming sector with just hours to go before the country starts feeling the effects of Tropical Storm Tomas.

The ministry in conjunction with the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) has activated its Agriculture Disaster Risk Management Programme.

This means the entire emergency response team of the Agriculture Ministry is prepared and on stand-by to deal with any eventuality.

In a statement Wednesday night, the ministry said while the forecasts have projected eastern parishes to be most affected; it is urging farmers throughout the country to take the necessary steps to safeguard life and property.

It has also suggested the following precautionary measures to minimise possible damage to agricultural enterprises.

Reap mature fruits and store them in a safe place, move animals to higher ground to avoid the possibility of drowning, clear drains to allow the free flow of water, remove plastic and netting from greenhouse and keep RADA’s toll free emergency number at hand as well as monitor alerts through the agency's text messaging system.



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