
Human resource association says Speaker Holness should withdraw letter to House Clerk

HRMA President Dr. Cassida Jones
By Kimone Witter    
The Human Resource Management Association (HRMA) has added it voice to those calling for House Speaker Juliet Holness to withdraw the letter which was sent to Clerk to the Houses of Parliament, Valrie Curtis for her handling of two reports submitted by the Auditor General.
The Speaker, in a letter dated March 22, accused the Clerk of dereliction of duty.
But HRMA President Dr. Cassida Jones said Mrs. Holness did not follow procedure in issuing the letter to Ms. Curtis. 
"We were actually alarmed by the process itself because in the interest of human resource management, there is indeed a procedure whereby you go through administration, you go through a disciplinary hearings, you have an investigation, you allow the individual to be able to respond to the allegations and to ensure that she's accompanied and has the necessary support. The way it was handled, it was not in line with general human resource practice," Dr. Jones contended. 
The parliamentary opposition on Tuesday also urged the Speaker to withdraw the controversial letter of reprimand. 

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